What's happening in SignsearchPRO / Work

At VCG, we're focused on helping your business succeed. We do that by continuing to build on the great features you love to use. To read the list of these improvements to SignsearchPRO / Work, please read below.

March 2024

Notify user of Calendar Event (new)

Assigning calendar events will send an email notification to the user responsible for that event.

Custom Job Stages (new)

Create an unlimited number of custom job stages. Designate a color to each so you can easily identify the stages of all your jobs at a glance.

Custom Job Types (new)

Create an unlimited number of custom job types.

Additional Notification Settings (improvement)

You can now disable or enable all notifications in your account settings. You can still manage notifications on a per-job basis as well.

Time Tracker (improvement)

Tracking time to a new task will now automatically stop the timer on a previous task.

Auto-increment job number (improvement)

Newly created jobs will result in their job numbers automatically incremented by "1". You can edit or delete an auto-incremented job number.

Additional file types supported (improvement)

We now allow for more types of files to be uploaded to your jobs and vendors. Including, but not limited to, .ai, .esp, .cdr, .webp.

December 2023

Job Costing (new)

Add line items for the job to accurately calculate your costs. You can export this as a PDF to share among colleagues and clients alike.

Time Tracking (new)

Automatically or manually track time for all of your jobs. You can export this as a PDF for your records.

Job Filters and Stages (new)

We've added additional filters to make finding your Jobs even easier. We've also added more Job Stages to allow for further customization.

Job User Management (new)

Add a sales representative, assign a Job Lead, or create a Job Team.

Job integration from the Calendar (new)

Link your jobs to the Calendar for at-a-glance scheduling.

Job Dispatch (new)

Send jobs to techs in the field via email or text.

Interface updates (improvement)

We've made several Interface Updates:

  • Significant updates to interface and features available while accessing SignsearchPRO from your mobile device.
  • Interface updates to the pages you see when you view or edit a customer, job, or location. This new interface allows you to view more detailed information in one place.
  • The "My Network" tab is now the "Vendors" tab.
  • The Job "Status" is now Job "Stage".
  • The Job "Assigned to" label is now "Job Lead".
  • We've removed Job Start and End dates and replaced it with "Due date".
February 2023

Dashboard (new)

The Dashboard is a place where you can see all your company's recent updates in SignsearchPRO / Work. View your recently updated jobs, job notes, job files, as well as your event's for the week in one location.

Event Calendar (new)

The Calendar is a company level calendar, shared with / by all of your company's users.

The calendar allows for you to create as many Job or Appointment Calendars as you'd like. These calendars are visible to all of your users. Typical use cases include creating a separate calendar for each of your major equipment assets (trucks, cranes, etc.), your work crews and perhaps even your shared meeting rooms.

File Manager (new)

Consolidate and store all your job files in one place with the new File Manager. Share files with your colleagues for easy access and project organization.

QuickBooks Online Integration (new)

Synchronize your customers, transactions, invoices, and billing history in PRO with QuickBooks Online Integration.